LAUDACE in Action March 2024
We’re part of the Equals Role Models Campaign 2024! Woohoo!
The 2024 Equals Role Model Campaign, themed “It takes one to be one”, highlights the potential of every woman* to be a role model, irrespective of age, race, sexuality, or (dis)ability. It emphasizes the importance of diverse representation in inspiring future generations. By showcasing individuals who have carved their own paths to success, the campaign aims to empower women to pursue their ambitions and celebrate their unique stories!
What an honour it is to be part of this year’s Equals Role Model campaign. Check out what our founder, Axelle Ahanhanzo, who represented LAUDACE, had to say about what it is to be a role model!
And make sure to tag us on Instagram @thisislaudace if you spot Axelle in town!
Courageous Conversations Series this month:
Come hear Axelle share her thoughts and subject-matter expertise!
07/03 | IWD2024 with Women's BRG @ PVH HQ
Our founder Axelle Ahanhanzo will be giving her empowering talk “Threads of Inclusion: Intersectional Bridges to empowerher” and unravel the intricate tapestry of Intersectionality towards achieving women empowerment!
27/03 | SheSays: Neurodiversity x Grow Your Own Way @ Equals Amsterdam
There’s no such thing as ‘a perfectly normal brain’. In fact, if your synapses snap differently from others, then you may be at an advantage. Join us at this panel talk with SheSays Amsterdam to discover the challenges and triumphs involved in following a career path less travelled - one often all the more creative for it!
15/03 | Nationale Autisme Congres 2024
@ Utrecht Jaarbeurs
Our founder Axelle Ahanhanzo we’ll be sharing her lived experiences in a captivating talk “We Are Not All Sheldon Coopers: Reflections on the Compound Effects of Intersecting Identities”. More information here.
29/03 | Lotgenoten - book release panel talk
@ Bar Bario
In light of Sabrine Ingabire's “Lotgenoten" book release, we've been invited by Bar Bario to honour IWD through an empowering lens of Black women entrepreneurs.
Are you also eager to have us join you on stage?
More exciting events on where you can find us!
08/03 | TEN Women x BOSS @ Amsterdam
In honour of IWD 2024, we’ll celebrate with TEN Women in the company of inspirational women at the BOSS store for an exclusive invite-only panel discussion and networking soirée.